Toxic Wellness: The Student “vs” The Masters

So this tweet got posted today and it reminded me of that idiot counselor who told me to “hug my feelings,” without explaining what the fuck that meant. At the time I was trying to get passed the block in my mind that was keeping me from remembering all the bad stuff, and what I wanted and needed was someone to help me break those … Continue reading Toxic Wellness: The Student “vs” The Masters

The Good News Is Life Goes On

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close Yesterday I wrote a post about what gang life did to my life, and it wasn’t an easy post to write, but today I woke up and honestly? I am feeling pretty damned good. I don’t know what the difference is between yesterday and today, but that is what … Continue reading The Good News Is Life Goes On

The Story of Star Children

For the purposes of this post, the things you are going to read are about domestic violence from a woman’s perspective, at the hands of the men in her life. That being said Domestic Violence does not have a gender identity. It happens in EVERY community, regardless of race, creed, color, nationality and size. Please approach this post with caution before, during, and after reading. … Continue reading The Story of Star Children

Envision The Vision: SOMEtimes You gotta Get Creative With Your Future So Your Past Can Be Inspired, By Devon J Hall

I decided to get a bit inventive today and I wrote myself a letter, from my future, how cool is that?! Talk about manifesting dreams and futures. Check out what my future self had to say to my current self in the post below. TOO Many Times I was left BEHIND Walking With People Who Wanted To Set Fire To Me So They Could WATCH … Continue reading Envision The Vision: SOMEtimes You gotta Get Creative With Your Future So Your Past Can Be Inspired, By Devon J Hall