Okay ADHD…I’m Back

When I was thirteen I was a patient of Doctor X who turned out to be a pedophile. I found this out after he was charged, arrested, and convicted of crimes against two of his other patients. As part of his grooming process he told me if I no longer wanted to take medication, I no longer needed to take medication. Thankfully I decided to … Continue reading Okay ADHD…I’m Back

What Is The Next Step In Your Mental Health Journey?

No, you probably haven’t decided what you’re going to do next, because probably you’re just discovering what it means to have mental health issues. It took me years of explaining my mental health issues for me to stop and ask myself, to emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and sexually, take stock of what I need. I’ve never been particularly great with compartmentalization, I find that trying … Continue reading What Is The Next Step In Your Mental Health Journey?

“Do You Have Head Trauma?” ….I have Hearing Aids Now

Why yes random stranger sticking weird sticky things into my ear, I do have head trauma from severe and unlimited amounts of abuse due to sexual predators who are really fucking good at hurting people. Wow! I did not, in fact, say all that when I was asked the question, but you’re damned right when you wonder if I was thinking it because I absolutely … Continue reading “Do You Have Head Trauma?” ….I have Hearing Aids Now

Reverse Psychology Is a Bitch Ain’t It?

I Promised you when I started this website it wasn’t going to be easy to read. It wasn’t going to be comfortable to be a part of the world that I grew up in, but I did it, and now all I have left are the stories that remind me that I’ve had a truly tragic life. None of the men who raped me were … Continue reading Reverse Psychology Is a Bitch Ain’t It?

Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It

With Bell Let’s Talk coming up in a couple of weeks, and Survivor’s Connection coming up just after that, I thought now would be a good time to discuss how to discuss the fact that you or someone you love may have mental health issues. The first thing that is important to understand is that if you are being told someone you love has mental … Continue reading Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It