Recovery: Here’s Why It Doesn’t Work

When I was working at the Church I was convinced – by people I worked with – that all I had to do, was pick up a phone, find a place to send someone who wanted to go to recovery, and then their lives would be changed and they would go off to happy land. Unfortunately, almost every time I made that call, the person … Continue reading Recovery: Here’s Why It Doesn’t Work

Black Witch Craft…The Kind We’re Not Supposed To Practice Has Nothing To Do With Evil

Did you know that Black folk don’t talk about Witchcraft? We don’t celebrate our beliefs if they aren’t Christian, because for centuries we weren’t allowed to. And so the traditions and the rituals that our ancient ancestors would have practiced, while not lost forever yet, are not being practiced in the average Black household. The psychic abilities that some people envy come more from understanding … Continue reading Black Witch Craft…The Kind We’re Not Supposed To Practice Has Nothing To Do With Evil

Do You Know Who Built This House?

I did. And I checked the foundation, and it’s perfect. No cracks, not a single one, and do you know why? Because as a human being I carry all of my cracks. I’ve been listening to music for weeks now, which if you know me is fairly abnormal, I mostly keep my music to when I’m out walking, but yesterday I took myself out on … Continue reading Do You Know Who Built This House?

AMA: This Week’s Topic: Advice For Parents, Guardians, or Mental Health Professionals Dealing With Teens Who Have Mental Health Issues

– If You Or Someone You Know Is Dealing With Mental Health Issues, Please Document Everything And Ask For Help If You Are Able. You Do Not Have to Suffer in Silence or Alone. There Are People Willing and Able to Help. – Dealing with mental health issues is never easy for anyone, but when those issues are undiagnosed or alternatively extensive, it can be … Continue reading AMA: This Week’s Topic: Advice For Parents, Guardians, or Mental Health Professionals Dealing With Teens Who Have Mental Health Issues

Medication Addiction Is Not As Simple As It Seems, #TriggerWarning for the #MentalHealth Community

So recently I got to talk to some people about the difference between me before I use cannabis in the morning, and after. The difference is absolutely night and day, and honestly, I didn’t even think about it until yesterday when I found myself completely stuck to the couch after inadvertently not choosing to use cannabis first thing in the morning. WAKE & BAKE Is … Continue reading Medication Addiction Is Not As Simple As It Seems, #TriggerWarning for the #MentalHealth Community