I Am Afraid To Quit Smoking and Fear Is A Bitch

Yup. I said it. I am a big old baby. I know what’s coming. Anxiety and Depression, as if I don’t already face that enough. Stress and a wave of emotions that have me up and down like someone who is genuinely Manic Depressive, which I am not typically. In short, a fucking roller coaster. I don’t want to deal with it. I also know … Continue reading I Am Afraid To Quit Smoking and Fear Is A Bitch

I Want To Throw Myself Into Helping Others But I Have To Help Myself First

I am so tired. Tomorrow morning at 10:15 PST I will be on CJSF FM Radio talking about Uncomfortable, and while I am excited, I am exhausted, because last night I was having dreams about myself and my future. I was thinking about all the things that I have to make sure I talk about, and suddenly I found myself asking “why are you doing … Continue reading I Want To Throw Myself Into Helping Others But I Have To Help Myself First

Look At Your Stomach…Are You Proud?

When I was twenty-three, I was having unprotected sex with my boyfriend, and I got pregnant. I also had a miscarriage. Or well, I had what I suspected was a miscarriage, my boyfriend at the time wouldn’t take me to emergency. Instead he wrapped his legs around my waist and refused to let me move until I feel asleep. When I woke up the next … Continue reading Look At Your Stomach…Are You Proud?

It’s Not Over…

The healing process after sexual abuse is never ending. I always think there is going to be a special day when the memories stop affecting me, but that’s just not the reality. The trauma that affects my mental health can be debilitating. If I am being completely honest, I have spent most of the last few days in bed, mostly sober, just crying and feeling … Continue reading It’s Not Over…