If “They Can Railroad You, If They Can Do This to An American President, What Will They Do To You?”

Nothing you fucking idiot because none of you are in the position of stealing an entire election. Among the number of things that Donald J Trump is guilty of, the jury convicted him of 34 charges and he’s still facing another 54 more charges. 54. They are not “Railroading” anyone, they are contributing to the system of justice created long before Donald J Trump was … Continue reading If “They Can Railroad You, If They Can Do This to An American President, What Will They Do To You?”

As #SurreyBC Gears Up For The Next Mayoral Race, Here Are Some Things To Think About Before You Vote

Surrey, British Columbia has been in a constant state of evolution and change since I moved here when I was nineteen or so. There’s never been a time when Surrey developers – or outsiders mostly – haven’t been building something. It didn’t start with the boat of a library, which looks kind of cool but also weird because the only water we have is the … Continue reading As #SurreyBC Gears Up For The Next Mayoral Race, Here Are Some Things To Think About Before You Vote

You Can’t Play Dumb Anymore

If 2019 was fucking awful for everyone, 2020 is absolutely just flat out weird, and we can’t deny anymore that we are being called to choose our leaders more carefully than ever before. We have the most important and powerful Doctors in the world telling us to stay home and self isolate to help stop the spread of the Corona Virus also known as Covid-19. … Continue reading You Can’t Play Dumb Anymore