Set Them Boundaries, They Might Make Your Relationships Stronger

Yesterday a neighbor asked me as I was walking through the front doors if she and I could talk. She was having a rough time but so was I. I had to stop her and tell her that right at that moment wasn’t a good time but I could talk later, and then I just walked away. This morning we talked, and while I doubt … Continue reading Set Them Boundaries, They Might Make Your Relationships Stronger

Man or Bear, Yeah We’re Still Having That Conversation

Because it’s important to understand and to remind myself, that I am not alone. It’s so weird because I felt completely alone ten years ago, without a friend in the world. I was stuck in this idea that there was something wrong with me and then I saw a video the other day that basically said “Stop chasing the same guys as the cops,” and … Continue reading Man or Bear, Yeah We’re Still Having That Conversation

Holy Shit, So That’s What a Narcissist Looks Like In The Wild

They can look like anyone in the world. They can start off being the kindest, sweetest, most open, and wonderful people in the world. And then…on a dime, they switch, and everything and anything is your fault and they are completely innocent. Everything has a reason or an excuse, everyone is at fault but them and no one has any hurt feelings except for the … Continue reading Holy Shit, So That’s What a Narcissist Looks Like In The Wild