Parents: If Your Kid Has Mental Health Issues…

First and foremost, I want you to know, that it’s 99.9% not your fault. For those of you looking for help and trying to find avenues to work with your kid so they can be a happier, healthier version of themselves, it is not your fault that your kid lives with trauma. I have a friend whose child is constantly lashing out, often in verbally … Continue reading Parents: If Your Kid Has Mental Health Issues…

Okay ADHD…I’m Back

When I was thirteen I was a patient of Doctor X who turned out to be a pedophile. I found this out after he was charged, arrested, and convicted of crimes against two of his other patients. As part of his grooming process he told me if I no longer wanted to take medication, I no longer needed to take medication. Thankfully I decided to … Continue reading Okay ADHD…I’m Back