Pride Is Around The Corner, So This is For Those About To Come Out

Hi. How’s it goin? When I told my mom that I was bisexual, I was thirty-eight years old. She rolled her eyes and said, “And?” She didn’t care, not because she didn’t love me, but because she’d been around enough of my friends to make sure her way of saying “I love you shut up,” was heard. It was loud and beautiful. Not everyone gets … Continue reading Pride Is Around The Corner, So This is For Those About To Come Out

Okay ADHD…I’m Back

When I was thirteen I was a patient of Doctor X who turned out to be a pedophile. I found this out after he was charged, arrested, and convicted of crimes against two of his other patients. As part of his grooming process he told me if I no longer wanted to take medication, I no longer needed to take medication. Thankfully I decided to … Continue reading Okay ADHD…I’m Back

P.S. Fuck Domestic Abuse and Their Supporters

In a world where rape and domestic violence happened so often that it’s easier to believe it did happen than to believe it did not, I am curious as to why so many are focused on defending alleged abusers. So Nick Carter’s name is trending, I check the hashtag and I am sick to my stomach. It’s not just fans defending this man I grew … Continue reading P.S. Fuck Domestic Abuse and Their Supporters