Medication Changes Your Diet and For an Anorexic Person That’s a Bitch

So I’m about 300 pounds. I blame the pandemic because before that I was about 250, I worked really hard to lose weight, and by “worked really hard” I mean it. I walked, drank water, ate healthier, and focused on cleansing my body inside and out. But when I was a kid I took a medication called Dexidrin, it’s an appetite suppressant, but it’s also … Continue reading Medication Changes Your Diet and For an Anorexic Person That’s a Bitch

Be Aware of The Disabilities You Don’t See, Please

When I was working at the church, I didn’t look like I had mental health issues. I had underlying mental health issues, that I wasn’t dealing with. Which we all know came to a head when I got arrested for having a panic attack on an airplane. Recently someone made a snide comment about the fact that I don’t drive. I didn’t get angry because … Continue reading Be Aware of The Disabilities You Don’t See, Please