If “They Can Railroad You, If They Can Do This to An American President, What Will They Do To You?”

Nothing you fucking idiot because none of you are in the position of stealing an entire election.

Among the number of things that Donald J Trump is guilty of, the jury convicted him of 34 charges and he’s still facing another 54 more charges.


They are not “Railroading” anyone, they are contributing to the system of justice created long before Donald J Trump was born specifically for this moment. Specifically for this kind of occurrence in the office.

He’s not going to save America any more than Joe Biden is going to save America and we all know that, but because of tradition and protocol one of these two morons is going to be President and that pisses me off.

It’s absolutely disgusting that a man like Trump can commit as many crimes as he has and still run for the highest office in the world.

There are people on this planet who believe that American politicians have more power than Kings, Queens, and anyone else in the world, and with that power comes a certain amount of responsibility.

Trump has shown time and time again that he cannot handle the responsibility of being a public figure much less a politician, let alone the fucking President.

People like Doctor Phil and Harvey Levenstone want you to forget what is happening in Palestine, calling for forgiveness isn’t going to bring back all the dead babies, women, and men, that Israel killed.

We pretend that this started on October 7th, 2023 because that’s what makes us comfortable. But the truth is that while Hippies were partying up on Capitol Hill in the 70s, people from Palestine were still running for their lives from the result of a nazi occupation that happened in Europe.

The violence didn’t end and the people of Palestine didn’t suddenly become loud just like the people of Sudan, they’ve been asking for help for decades, but the world is choosing to ignore them.

And while ignoring the genocide(S) happening around the fucking world Donald J Trump is proving that he is more a political clown than a political pundit.

Meanwhile, in Canada, our politicians are absolutely silent because they know there’s a very good chance they may have to face Trump at a political event in the future, specifically because Americans’ especially white America, has a short fucking memory.

White America likes to pretend that when they cause harm, it’s either not that bad or should be forgiven immediately. White America thinks “I said sorry so what’s the problem?” But then they repeat the same behavior expecting a different result. This is also the definition of insanity.

The problem with white supremacists is not that they exist. That’s fine, they are allowed to exist. The actual problem with them is that they are violent and willing to be violent.

I’ve struggled with this for a long time because part of me wants to blow up all the things, get mad at all the things, and break the system from the inside out so that no one ever goes through what I went through, ever again.

Not alone, but period. I don’t ever want any girl growing up thinking they need to get married to be safe because I’ve since learned that marriage doesn’t guarantee safety or protection. Often it’s just a smaller prison.

Too many women are the girls that men like Trump “Grabbed by the pussy,” and yall are convinced that you have to go along to get along but that’s not the truth.

If every woman out there in America and in Canada, England and France, in all the places that women exist, voted for change together, collectively, we’d have it.

More than once we’ve been proven to be courageous powerful and wise leaders, and I know that we as women have a long way to go but my answer to Doctor Phil is this: If a man like Trump can get away with all the shit he’s gotten away with, whose next?

At what point do we say enough is enough and decide that we as a human race are going to expect more from our leaders instead of less? I sort of feel like now should be that time.

Sending all my love,

Devon J Hall, The Loud Mouth Brown Girl

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