Mental Health on a Schedual

Every day of life is hard in different ways for many folks around the world.

So recently because I want to write more about mental health and less about my personal shit, I’ve been looking for folks who are writing about mental health to see what they’re saying, experiencing, and sharing, with the world.

One of the blogs I have found is written by a Brown man (I know right?!) called Crafting Words with Passion: The World of Rajanikanta Panda. I love the title, it evokes someone serious about their work but also wants to embrace the beauty of the craft of writing.

In this series, Rajanikanta takes us through mental health, one day after another, by giving us different themes to think about. Each day throughout I don’t know how long, Rajanikanta will take you through a series of thought exercises that will help you break down your mental health journey from forever, to just this moment.

I highly think it’s worth checking out and I really doubt you’ll regret taking the time to read his words.

Sending all my love,

Devon J Hall, The Loud Mouth Brown Girl

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