I’m Starting To See Who I am Outside of Trauma

When I am relaxed, calm, and happy, I find that I am a more fun person to be around. But I’ve also come to rely on my own company, and because of that my isolation time is very important.

I’m starting to find out that I am a person who needs creative pursuits to be happy.

I miss painting, in ways I didn’t know that I would miss it when I first started. I caught the bug and there are all these brand-new – or ancient techniques that I want to learn.

There are so many possibilities and I am not going to lie, the reason I’ve been so quiet all these months is because to be honest with you I am completely overwhelmed. Not just by options, but by the state of the world.

Today I heard Alyssa on The View say that we need to “believe Israeli women”, but no one is choosing to believe the Palestinian women. It wouldn’t be so bad if the whole world wasn’t trying to shove Zionism down our throats like it’s normal, but it’s fucking not.

I had to turn it off. None of the people I looked up to, know what to do or say, and so many of them are saying nothing, but saying nothing as we all know, only helps the abuser and harms the innocent.

The world never changes, sure we get new tech, and we come across new inventions, but at the end of the day we are a species doomed to fail because we choose to be a species that would rather murder, kill, rape, and destroy our enemies until there is nothing left, instead of finding common ground.

When history looks back our ancestors will shame us for what we have done to this world, to Palestine, Haiti, Sudan, Congo, the DRC, and Darfur, just to name a few.

I am not proud to know that Canada is responsible for the cobalt minds in Africa that are killing people by the hundreds every day.

I am not proud to come from a country that was founded and fed on genocide.

It doesn’t make me feel good to drink from my tap knowing that less than a few miles away on what we call “The Reservation,” people don’t have clean drinking water.

None of this makes any sense, it shouldn’t be that this is how the world is still. After all our advances as a race of people on this planet, we should be capable of doing better for each other by now.

How are you feeling?

Sending all my love,

Devon J Hall

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