Dear Freedom Fighters Around The Globe

Right now American troops are inside Palestine. They have been for weeks. Right now US troops are participating in the genocide of the Palestinian people. All because and I quote the United States American President number 46, “Israel has a right to defend itself.” Implying that Palestine is not a state that also deserves protection.

For more than eight months the United States Ambassadors and diplomats around the world have denied Palestine the right to protect itself while talking easily about how Ukraine needs aid.

They have deliberately set one rule for one side of the world and another for the other side of the world. It’s not easy to see why.

Right now as we speak, women, children, men and boys, are being raped, abused, and conscripted to join wars they want nothing to do with, by the most evil among us, meanwhile politicians around the world, their diplomats and dick suckers demand – no longer are they asking – that we remain civil, quiet, and content with the scraps we’ve been fed.

I am a survivor of more than thirty years of rape. It started when I was in diapers and did not end until I was in my thirties. I can now name every single one of my rapists and identify them if given photos to do so with.

I am more clear minded than I have ever been when I say I stand with the people of Palestine, for what it matters.

I know my voice is one among many, begging not crying but begging, for a permanent ceasefire, and the right to return for all the displaced people of Palestine.

I know I am not alone when I say I want all occupying forces to remove themselves from Sudan, Darfur, and Ukraine, I want an end to these wars, and I want the International Court’s ruling to actually mean something.

The only way that’s going to happen is if we change the way that we vote. We cannot vote the way we have in the past hoping and praying that the leaders who say they are going to fight for us, are actually going to do as they say. John Fetterman taught us that lesson this year when he unequivocally decided to stand with Israel against the interests of the people who put him into office.

We’ve seen this with Justin Trudeau and his government’s complete lack of interest in protecting people from Palestine, or in making space for those who can move to come to Canada.

The governments of the world have failed the people of Palestine, Sudan, Darfur, Congo, the DRC, Haiti, and so many other places I don’t even know their names.

I know that we’re tired I know that we’re stressed, and I know that violent people are behaving more violent in our formally “safe” western society than ever before, but please don’t give up.

Please keep fighting for kids who are being hurt by adults who know better. Please keep fighting for the children whose bodies aren’t with us anymore but whose spirits are calling from the grave.

Please don’t stop fighting for those of us who can’t be out in the streets, because we need you to know from the shadows we’re with you, even when you feel alone.

And for the love of Christ, wear a fucking mask. It protects you from being identified and pisses off Zionists, so why wouldn’t you?!

Pass on your tips, share your lessons, and tell us how you’re doing. Let us know how we can help, where we can show up, and when we can be there for you we will be.

You are not alone in this world, it just feels that way because those that we put in power are doing everything they can to convince you that you’re not being heard. But we heard you and we’re coming.

Sending all our love,

The Devon J Hall’s of the world

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